Monday, September 5, 2011

What am I suppose to be doing?

I just spent an hour or so visiting other blog sites. It's amazing how diverse people are. I went from quilting bloggers, to cat lover bloggers, to homeschooling bloggers, to photography bloggers....whew! I'm all blogged out. I must admit I'm starting to wonder if I'm suppose to be doing something other than what my everyday life consists of? Let's see, I could take up that belly dancing class that I've been contemplating about and then I could blog about that or, I could return back to school and study in a field that would bring me joy (?). I'm sure I would have less time but I would have to blog about that. I just don't know!

Anybody got any great ideas for a 41 yr. old, wife of 19 yrs. and mother of 4 daughters to do with her......3 1/2 hrs. that she has left in a day?

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