Just in case you stumbled upon my blog spot unintentionally let me be the first to admit that I'm not a person of celebrity status are anything of this nature. In fact, I'm far from that type of person. However, I've been known to gather the attention of people in my own little quirky way. Like for instance, I was the person who yelled out while on the city bus, "Oh my god! Look at that lady, she has her dress caught in her underwear"! When the entire group of people on the bus desperately tried to gesture to her to tell her to pull her dress down the lady smiled and waved back at us all. There was also that one time that I decide in high school that I'd turn my first ever cartwheel in front of the cheer leading judges to try and impress them. Well, needless to say, I still haven't really turned my first ever cartwheel but was allowed on the team for trying so hard. Oh, then there was the time that I confronted a man in the mall about staring at my brother (maybe I'll choose to tell this story another day). When he called me out my name (little girl) I yelled and caused a huge crowd to gather. This embarrassed the man and caused him to leave. Little old ladies and the mall security came and comforted me afterwards. Hum, now that I look back over things I really deserve to be on t.v. I'm not talking about the local news because I've done the news thing a few times or more. I mean, I need to be on the big screen with my name in lights.
Once, I thought that I had made it when I had the chance to audition for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? I lugged a huge metal tool chest around for a whole day as I waited in a line with other people who for some reason thought that they'd have as much a chance as me. I entertained so many people on that day that people both bought me drinks and fed me. Inside my chest was a brick, butter knife, twine and duct tape......I don't want to say why......I'm sure this will be a great story to tell on another day. Anyway, the person that interviewed me laughed hysterically and has never called me as of yet. Now that I type these words I'm feeling empty. I gave these people some of my best stuff and they gave me nothing. I still keep my fingers crossed. Who knows maybe they'll call me someday. It's only been five yrs. ago!
I had every intention to say something about my weekend but well stuff happens for a reason. Maybe tomorrow? After all, this is a three day week end. come visit with me on tomorrow I'd love to keep you company.