Okay, so if you didn't read my post on yesterday then your only getting part of this story. Why did I only post half a story? Mainly because this is my blog and I can do things my way and the other reason is that I ran out of time and had to get some other things completed. Nonetheless, here is the end to my story from yesterday........Let's see, I was getting tissue from my purse to hand to the crying little with the little feet. I thought it was because of me asking her did she have trouble finding adult like shoes to fit her feet that had made her cry when actually, the reason why she was crying was because she'd wanted to go to her brothers cook-out......"Well why don't you just go? After all, he is your brother, isn't he"? "Yeah, he's my brother but.......". "Terrie! Terrie", a call came from a distance. The woman with the little feet stopped talking in mid conversation. "Huh", she answered as a lady came closer, approaching us both. I kinda had a dumb founded look on my face. What did she want and what did she mean by yelling at the lady with the little feet like that? I mean, after all we had in some way made a connection in this small short five, ten, maybe fifteen minutes."What are you doing way over here talking to this lady and are you crying, you big nut"? My head is tilted and I'm blinking my eyes rapidly......um, did she just call little feet a big nut? I mean really, the nerve of some people. Here this lady is crying her heart out and all she really wants to do is to go to her brothers cook-out. "No. I'm not crying", said the lady with the little feet. I was just telling my friend Patsy here, that I couldn't find you and Will. Patsy? Will? Who in the heck is Patsy and Will? I'm looking all around because maybe perhaps I missed some people that were nearby. "Hi, nice to meet you baby", says little feet's friend. "I didn't know you two knew one another". "We don't", I replied"! The lady looked at me strangely and squinted her eyes."What do you mean you don't know me", asks little feet." Why, you've just felt comfortable enough to come up to me and start crying about how your brother wouldn't let you come to his cook-out"? "Girl, you crazy", little feet says to me. I'm crazy? I'm thinking to myself. What's this woman's problem! The other woman has a puzzled look on her face and says to little feet, "you gone get enough talking to strange people in the park". Huh? I'm thinking to myself as I watch the two of them walk away," I was just minding my own business". Aw naw, this ain't about to go down like this so I yell out to little feet, "Terrie, you big nut"!
It's been years since this encounter happened to me but every time I think about this story I remember the sound of little feet (I mean, Terrie's ) heals clicking loudly down the winding walk way of the park. Click Clonck!....Click Clonck!.....Click Clonck!